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Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop




mark-daughter.jpgAt Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop we will do everything possible to ensure that your guided fishing trip is a memorable one. Our licensed and insured guides are all expert fishermen and instructors. We are located on the southern Maine coast where there are many beaches and historical attractions for the non-fishing members of your family. Our shop is located 7 miles north of the famous Kittery Outlet malls and 8 miles north of historic Portsmouth, New Hampshire along the Piscataqua River.

Freshwater Guided Trips
Maine is renowned for its landlocked salmon and brook trout fishing. Locally, our trout waters are mostly small streams with little brookies in them or small ponds that have brook and rainbow trout in them. These places fish well in the spring and fall. If you are willing to drive an hour north of our shop you can find bigger waters that hold larger trout and landlocked salmon, and some of those waters fish well year-round. In the fall local trout fishing will start to pick up again. During the dog days of summer when our local streams and ponds are low with warmer water, we like to leave trout alone and instead hit some of the of the area’s largemouth bass ponds which can be very productive. Working a deer hair bug slowly through a stump-filled and lily pad-covered pond and getting large bucket mouths to slurp them off the top can be exhilarating.

Starting in October, we concentrate on coastal streams to target sea-run brown and brook trout. The state of Maine has been putting a lot of effort into creating a sea-run trout fishery for wintertime fun by doing fall stockings of 12” to 14” browns, brookies and occasionally rainbows. This effort has made an excellent fishery that can remain good throughout the winter months. A true sea-run trout is a fish of a thousand casts but if you are fortunate enough to hook one it will be an experience that you will not soon forget.

Freshwater guided trips can be done by wading, canoe, or float tube depending on the water you will be fishing.

Saltwater Guided Trips
Maine and New Hampshire are where several species of saltwater sport fish spend their summer. Shad are usually the first to arrive sometime during the first two weeks of May. While we’ve had striped bass here as early as the first of April they usually start to show up around the second week of May. Primetime for stripers is from June through September and for the past few years the striper fishing has been good during the first two weeks of October. Bluefish are not as dependable as the stripers but usually show up in July and will continue to bite through early October. We offer several types of guided trips for striped bass. You can fish our rugged shoreline or scenic estuaries from a boat, float tube or by wading. 

Saltwater Guided Trip Rates
Boat Trips: 4 hrs ~ $400. 6 hrs ~ $500. 8 hrs ~ $600.
Wading (must have waders): 4 hrs ~ $300. 6 hrs ~ $375. 8 hrs ~ $500.

Freshwater Guided Trip Rates
Wading (must have waders): 4 hrs ~ $300. 6 hrs ~ $375. 8 hrs ~ $500.